Getting Unstuck

Since I opened my coaching practice, a number of people have suggested I start a blog and I have resisted. It sounded like work that wouldn’t be fun and would stress me out, I want to coach, not blog (and who wants to read another blog anyway?).  I was discussing this with my sister-in-law, friend, and fellow CFT coach and we hit upon the idea of writing a monthly blog together. This completely changed the equation! Now I would have the opportunity to think through coaching topics more deeply, with someone I respect—we would learn a lot! The conversations and writing would give us an excuse to spend more quality time together (bonding is fun, in my book) and it would be far less stressful to take this on with someone else in partnership.

So here is our inaugural newsletter/ blog and we thought the topic of how it came to be is instructive about getting unstuck. I was stuck because I made the assumption that I had to write it alone. By challenging that assumption and making the decision to work together, the process of writing it became more interesting and less stressful.

· Where are you feeling stuck in your life? 

· What assumptions are you making? How true are they?

· Who can you ask for help?

Here’s to a great partnership and the first of a monthly newsletter/blog that our clients (past, present, and future) might find fun and helpful to read. 

We’d love to hear your thoughts on getting unstuck! We also welcome suggestions for topics, too!

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